What is the Ramsar Convention?

What is the Ramsar Convention?

Wetland Conservation and Restoration, Wise Use, CEPA

Wetlands offer a variety of blessings to all living creatures, including us humans. The Ramsar Convention's objectives are Wetlands Conservation and Restoration, Wise Use of Wetlands, and promoting them through Communication, Capacity-building, Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA). These three pillars form the cornerstones of the Convention.

Making full use of its Ramsar Convention Wetland Registration and Wetland City Accreditation, Izumi City is taking the following steps to implement these 3 pillars.

Photograph:Wetland Conservation and Restoration
Photograph:Wise Use
Photograph:CEPA (Communication, Capacity-building, Education, Participation and Awaresness)

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